söndag 7 september 2008

ENGLISH: To learn to trust again

Rule: Betrayal by someone you are close to makes it harder in future relationships
Exception: When you take a step out on the water and trust

I just returned from a camp where I was surrounded by great people from Friday to Sunday. One afternoon I was met by a challenge- to start regarding these people instead as my family- to form connection.

Not just to say it as well but really to act it.The thought of it made my head spin. I am still letting the idea sink. Because, really letting them into my life is different, it is more. And how can I let myself trust again? Lower my guard.

Well, do I have an option anymore? I think that letting the idea in, allowing myself to dwell upon it, made it more than an idea.

And still, I cannot tell them that they must never let me down, that I cannot stand another betrayal like that. Friendship, relationships, are frail things. There are no guarantees. But, if I can have a new family - a real family - I think that many things will at last be healed.

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